Asylum seekers start off in Ter Apel
Most asylum seekers in the Netherlands will first go to Ter Apel. There they report to the application centre of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). Next, they will stay 3 to 10 days in our central reception centre in Ter Apel or Budel. There they will have a medical intake, a TB check and the application interview by the IND.
Next: process reception centre and reception centre
During the general asylum procedure, asylum seekers stay in a process reception centre. Are they given a residence permit? Or will the IND continue to assess their asylum application in the extended asylum procedure? Then they will go to a reception centre. Rejected asylum seekers may stay up to 28 days in a reception centre to prepare for their departure from the Netherlands. We accommodate unaccompanied minors in special centres for young people.

24/7 support and guidance in small-scale accommodation facilities
After the general asylum procedure, unaccompanied minors will go to a foster family, a small-scale reception facility provided by the Nidos Foundation, or a small-scale facility provided by the COA. We provide 24/7 support and guidance with their development into adulthood.
Return: freedom-restricting centre and family centre
Rejected asylum seekers may stay up to 28 days in a reception centre to prepare for their departure from the Netherlands. Subsequently, families with underage children can move to a family centre if they do not have any other shelter. Adults can receive up to 12 more weeks of shelter in a freedom-restricting centre, but only if there is a prospect of departure.
Extra guidance, support and supervision
Some asylum seekers are unable to live independently in a reception centre. They have, for example, psychological problems, lack skills, or cause trouble. There are 2 reception centres for them: the reception centre for intensive guidance and support, and the enforcement and supervision centre. We can also refer asylum seekers to the Centre for Transcultural Psychiatry Veldzicht.