A bed for everyone who is entitled to one

The COA provides asylum seekers with accommodation. During the asylum process, we accommodate asylum seekers in different types of reception centres. After completion of the procedure, we accommodate status holders until they are allocated to a house in a municipality. Rejected asylum seekers are still allowed to stay in a reception centre for a short period to prepare for their departure.

Go to COA-website for asylumseekers in 10 languages

After that: guidance and support for now and later

Shelter is important for asylum seekers, but we do much more. We assist asylum seekers in shaping their future in the Netherlands or their country of origin. We offer programmes in every asylum seekers' centre. In addition, COA employees conduct conversations with asylum seekers about life in and around the reception centre and about their future. In this way, asylum seekers strengthen the skills they need to take control of their lives.

Life in and around a reception centre

Sometimes we say a reception centre is like a village. The asylum seekers are each other's neighbours. Often, there's a school on the grounds and there's a playground for children. Asylum seekers live there independently. Would you like to know what life in a reception centre is like? And which partners we work with?

Cooperation with other organizations

For the shelter and support of asylum seekers, the COA collaborates with a great number of partners, including: Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V), Aliens Police (AVIM), Dutch Council for Refugees, National Foundation for the Promotion of Happiness, Nidos Foundation and municipalities.