Staying with friends, family, or a host family

Are status holders waiting for the municipality to allocate a home to them? In this period they can make use of the hosting scheme if they would like to stay with friends, family, or a host family. In principle, they can stay there for up to 3 months. In some cases, this period can be extended in consultation.

When staying with a host, status holders remain entitled to the COA's basic provisions, such as a weekly allowance and access to medical care. Only the right to a place (bed) in the reception centre lapses. That is why status holders aged 21 years and over receive an additional payment of € 25 per week from the COA.

When the municipality allocates a status holder accommodation, they are no longer entitled to reception by the COA and the provisions that go with it.

Conditions for hosting scheme

To make use of the hosting scheme, a status holder must: 

  • be 18 years or over
  • have a citizen service number (BSN)
  • be registered with the municipality at the address where they are staying
  • have had a permit holder interview with the COA and be waiting for a home in the municipality
  • not be receiving intensive medical treatment
  • have found a GP in the municipality
  • speak English or some Dutch

If children are also moving along, their obligation to go to school may not be compromised.

Financial consequences for host

Within 5 days after moving, participants must register with the municipality at the address where they are staying. This registration may have consequences for any social assistance benefits and/or other benefits the host or hostess is receiving.

Application via Takecarebnb

Would you also like to have a status holder stay with you and help him or her integrating? Then sign up for the COA hosting scheme via Takecarebnb. The people of Takecarebnb are responsible for matching status holders and host families for the COA.

Externe link Read more about the volunteer organisation Takecarebnb